Contact Us
Exams Department,3rd Floor
1-19 Wakefield Street
Edmonton,London,N18 2BZ
( Building entrance on Booker Roadside, pls. put on the NAV. N18 2US)
Unique Sixthform Form Exams Venue at Best Tutors, 3rd Floor, 1-19 Wakefield Street, Edmonton, London,N18 2BZ
- Nearest Overground Station = Silver Street & Nearest Tube Station = SevenSisters Underground
- Candidate can take off SevenSisters Tube Station and then take Overground to Silver Street station, from a station 5-minute walking distance.
- Free Parking is available in residential areas except for events day (Noon to 9 PM), please check event day: and make sure you adhere to any parking notices
- We do not take responsibility for where or how you decide to park.